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Matt Rust

Web and Software Developer


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Matt Rust

Hi, my name is Matt Rust. I am an Irish Web and Software Developer with a passion for bringing people's visions to life. I have spent the last 4 years diligently learning everything I can about both back-end and front-end web development, as well as learning a variety of different coding languages, constantly challenging myself at every turn.

What Can I Do For You?

Here are some of the technologies I work with:


Mobile Support

With roughly 60% of worldwide web traffic being through mobile devices, it's crucial that your site can account for it. That's why I like to take a mobile-centric approach to web development, ensuring every little detail looks great on mobile.

Web Development

I specialize in creating dynamic, responsive websites tailored to your unique needs. Whether it's a personal blog, or a corporate site, I ensure your site is visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functional across all devices.

Software Systems

I design and develop custom software solutions and web applications tailored to meet your business needs. From streamlining workflows to enhancing productivity, I ensure that your software is both efficient and user-friendly.